The Second “Belt and Road” International Concrete Technology Symposium was successfully completed from 18-19 November 2023 at Guang Zhou Nikko Hotel, Guang Zhou China. American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter) was the co-organizer for this symposium.

The theme of this conference is “Share the Development of Concrete under Belt and Road Initiative”. Specific topics include advancements in new materials, new technologies, new processes, and application technologies in the field of high-performance and ultra-high-performance concrete materials and structures, as well as major engineering cases related to the countries and regions along the Belt and Road.
The Symposium was opened by the organizing Chairman Mr Wang Jun, Deputy General Manager of China West Construction Co Ltd and the International Scientific Committee Chairman Mr Lu Jin Ping, President of American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter).

Prof Feng Naiqian,Professor,Tsinghua University as the Key-note speaker presented a talk on Research and Application of Harmless Treatment and Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash from Power Generation Plant.

A total of 33 experts, Professors presented various topics related to concrete materials and structural technology. Mr Lu Jin Ping, Dr Qian Shunzhi, Dr Geng Guaoqing, Dr Darren Chian, Mr Jiang Sha, Dr Tan Jun Yew from Singapore team presented 6 papers on the symposium.