American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter)

58 Sungei Kadut Loop, Singapore 729501
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ACI-SC Director Dr. Geng Guoqing awarded 2023 Gustavo Colonnetti medal

ACI-SC Director, Dr. Guoqing Geng, who is currently Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, has been awarded the prestigious Gustavo Colonnetti Medal for 2023. The award is given by The International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM, from the name in French) to researchers under 35 years old who have performed high level scientific research in the field of construction materials and structures.

ACI-SC Director, Dr. Guoqing Geng, who is currently Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore, has been awarded the prestigious Gustavo Colonnetti Medal for 2023. The award is given by The International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM, from the name in French) to researchers under 35 years old who have performed high level scientific research in the field of construction materials and structures. Read more here


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ACI-SC Student Chapter Annual General Meeting

The American Concrete Institute Singapore Chapter (ACI-SC) Student Chapter recently organised its 2024
Annual General Meeting (AGM) to appoint the new executive committee (EXCO) as well as welcoming new members.

BuildTech Asia 2024

ACI-SC was proud to be a Community Partner of BuildTech Asia 2024, the region’s most influential trade event for the building and construction industry.

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