American Concrete Institute (Singapore Chapter)

58 Sungei Kadut Loop, Singapore 729501
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ACI Singapore Chapter named an ACI Outstanding Chapter for 2022

Our ACI Singapore Chapter has been named an ACI Outstanding Chapter for 2022. Only 19 ACI chapters are receiving this award for 2022. Congratulations!

Congratulations!! Our ACI Singapore Chapter has been named an ACI Outstanding Chapter for 2022.

This program was initiated to recognize chapters that have attained a high level of achievement in chapter activities. We take exceptional pride in having reached this level since only 19 ACI chapters are receiving this award for 2022. The award will be announced during ACI’s 2023 spring convention at the Opening Session on Sunday, April 2, 2023.


2022 Outstanding Chapters

National Capital
San Antonio
Republic of Colombia
Greater Michigan
Northeast Texas
Southern California
Minnesota Concrete Council
Eastern Pennsylvania & Delaware
Northeast Mexico
San Diego Intl
Southeast Mexico

Again, congratulations on a job well done, ACI Singapore Chapter! Keep up the great work!


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